I’m Gabriela Cruz, a full stack web developer living in Sonora, Mexico currently I'm a Frontend Developer at Upstart 13.


Upstart 13, Remote


Making Code, Hermosillo


Pokemon page main screen

Basic catalog with React

This project is a basic Pokemon catalog that has a browsable list of Pokemon, depending on the Pokemon type that you select. Also, you can see more details if you click on a Pokemon.

React 16 CSS3 JavaScript ECMA6 Redux Babel
Measurements screen app

Tracking mobile web app with React

This project is a tracking app to measure how much you read during a day. Taking into account only: books, articles, audiobooks, mangas, and comics. This is a manual tracking to acquire the habit of reading.

React 16 CSS3 Bootstrap 4 JavaScript ECMA6 Recharts Redux Babel Ruby on Rails
Weather app main screen.

Weather App

Search the current weather for any place and convert temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit. This project makes use of Weather API and Pexels API, both are public.

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript ECMA6 Node.js Webpack
RPG game project. Main screenshot of the game.

RPG turn-based game with Phaser 3

This is a small game using Phaser 3, where you will face many enemies around the map. Destroy'em all!

JavaScript ECMA6 Node.js Webpack Phaser 3
Restaurant page main screen.

Restaurant Example Page

This is a basic demo restaurant page. It was built based on the Webpack and modules section in The Odin Project’s JavaScript Curriculum.

JavaScript ECMA6 CSS3 Node.js Webpack

Facebook basic features clone

This project is a Facebook replica with just the core features: basic user functionality, plus posting, commenting and adding friends.

Ruby on Rails Node.js CSS3